Tuesday, August 16, 2011

And so it begins

I want to tell you why I'm writing this blog, or at least the part I'm consciously aware of...

As my profile outlines... I'm a nice, funny, smart, cool, talented, sexy, fit, pretty, generally fabulous young woman in my very early thirties, and yet ... single.

I've had boyfriends, good ones and bad ones and everything in the between, but like elastoplasts on wet fingers, they've never stuck.

I'm the girl whose family and friends plough their taught fingers through their wiry hair and ask of the God's: FOR WHY IS SHE STILL SINGLE?!?!
Okay that might be a tad dramatic. But with some small essence of truth.

Being the kind of optimistic 'cut'em off at the turn, it aint over ‘til the fat lady sings, can do attitude' kind of gal, I've decided the only adequate response is to date with reckless abandon.

It all began when on the recommendation from a friend I signed up to a dating website strictly 'for a perve' only, and proceeded to get lost in the world of internet dating like it was the plot of The Bourne Identity.

Having had one bad date, and seeing how happy it made others to hear this tale of woe, I thought I would set up a blog so you could all share in the mirth. Becuase I like to laugh, even at my own misfortune, and I'd like nothing more than you to laugh along with me.

It also serves as a sort of inadequate justice to those buggers who orchestrated the bad dates!

NoteBene: Karma forbid that in true justice I am actually subjected to ONE HUNDRED AND ONE BAD DATES, the number just has a nice ring to it.

Post Script if you know any singly, handsome, smart, emotionally mature, emotionally available, sexy, conscious, part hippy, physically active, eco-friendly, lover-extraordinnaire, tall-ish, cuisine-friendly, funny, sensitive, mentally-well men. Please post them to.....

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